For Nature For Life

Our work is urgent

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Why preserve open space, you ask?

A testimonial to the benefits of the great natural outdoors.

Pomfret Horse and Trail Association, Inc. (PHTA) is a 501-C3 nonprofit volunteer organization formed in 2007 to preserve, protect, and maintain open space and the century-old system of riding and hiking trails in Pomfret, Connecticut. We work closely with landowners, local land trusts, and the town to maintain access and expand trail networks. PHTA promotes responsible horseback riding practices and minimal impact trail use, holds educational clinics, and supports local land trusts and other non-profit organizations. Our goal is to preserve our rural heritage through community minded trail use, horse keeping, and riding.

Places to walk

Explore the nature of Windham County at any of our walkable nature preserves.  The following locations offer easy access and parking. Take only pictures; leave only footprints. For all to enjoy; for all to cherish.

Bull Hill Project
Horses Allowed, Mountain Biking Allowed, Views, Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
Rapoport Preserve
Linda J. Rapoport Memorial Preserve
Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
Duck Marsh Preserve
Views, Walkable Locations
Aicher Preserve
Horses Allowed, Views, Walkable Locations
Lyon Preserve
Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
At the Robbins Preserve - Large glacial erratic with little cairns on top.
Robbins/O’Leary/Blain Preserve
Horses Allowed, Mountain Biking Allowed, Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
Ferns and trees
Gellert/Valentine Preserve
Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
Edward R. Laby Memorial Preserve
Walkable Locations, Walking Trail
Potrzeba Stream
Cartier Preserve
Walkable Locations, Walking Trail

The Land We Live On

We Were Not the First

Map 1677 Library of Congress

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Bull Hill Lookout, Thompson, Photo: by WLT member Jim Wheeler
Acres for Nature
Years in Service